Oops. Seems I've really been stuffing my face. I ate a lot in HK, granted. I eat a lot of fruit, and I cook dinners. I've completely ignored my highish cholesterol and eat quite a variety. I do have a daily habit of crisps at 5pm but I don't eat chocolate or sweets - mainly cos I feel funny after and the baby goes a bit beserk.
Waist measures 35 and a half inches. And I bought 36D bras at Tesco Lotus the other day. There's more cellulite on my thighs and I daren't look at my bum.
We bought a cot - our first big purchase for the baby. It comes with lots of blue-white bedding - far too nice for a baby to poo and puke on!

Weird dream no. 4:
oooh, this was the real Alien one. In the original Alien film, the baby alien bursts out of John Hurt's stomach. It's all gnashing bared teeth and eyeless head. It has a good hissing fit as it looks around before scampering off into the metalwork.
So in my dream, this baby alien is pushing through my stomach. My belly skin is stretched over it, so you can see the outline of its head and jaws trying to burst out of me. I have to keep pushing it back into my tummy, telling it to behave....
Flat whinge no. 645:
The floor in the main bedroom has started warping again. I say again - it was warped before we moved in 2 months ago and the problem was 'fixed', i.e. the cracks were papered over but the underlying problem, whatever it is, remains. Our ex-neighbours said that the previous tenants also had the same problem over a year ago, so this is nothing new to the landlord or the management.
The ensuite bathroom also smells peculiar - a dampish rotten smell. I am sure there is some connection.
Early this week, they finally dug the floor up - each clang of the chisel causing the baby to jump in alarm in my belly - to find a pasty, moist, concrete, gluey mess underneath. Yuk. Since then, I've had the manager Khun P. come in almost every day with a different 'guru' who hasn't a clue what the problem is.
Wait till you see how long this takes to sort out...