Nausea galore this week! Not helped by that disgusting butter chicken which subsequently gave me diarrhoea and made me puke up. Keep retching. Can't stand the thought of Thai food, or even Chinese food. Only western or the plainest of Japanese dishes.
I'm knackered, no two ways about it. Tired all day. I stopped taking the progesterone tablets - well I was still bleeding so they weren't exactly helping, were they?
I did manage to do some volunteer teaching on Wednesday. Actually didn't feel too bad. So I wonder if staying in bed and feeling very sorry for myself isn't just making me feel worse?
Also had a tremendous headache one night. I went to the hospital again and saw a different doctor. Actually this female doctor is one that husband and I saw a year or so ago. We wanted to ask questions about fertility in women over 35. At the time she must have thought we were a little weird as we were just asking questions, not actually prepared to take any action.
Anyhow, she gave me another scan, and the good news is that we could see the tiny foetus and his little heart was pumping away. That was amazing.
She gave me some more progesterone but this to be inserted as a pessary. Apparently a lot more effective than orally. So I put one in and it seemed to work initially. But the reality was that it only seemed to 'plug' the bleeding. Sorry to be so explicit.
Also been navigating some of the many forums on pregnancies. They are simultaneously heartening (when women have the same symptons as you) and heartbreaking - the number of miscarriages is quite scary.
The other great piece of news: my brother and his wife will also be expecting and she's due around the same date as me! Little cousins almost like twins! Me and my brother must be telepathic. All his news can be found on his blog here.
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