Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 18: tap tap tap...

... is anybody there?

I've been feeling some pulsing movements quite low down my belly. Random taps here and there. Is it the baby? Usually first-timers feel these movements around 20 weeks, but if you're quite thin, then it can be earlier. My brother says it's the baby. They can already feel their's.

Yep, it's the baby. Fatt put his hand on my belly and the baby went kick/punch. It's quite an amazing experience, feeling this little entity fluttering around inside of you.

Another aspect of pregnancy: horrible dreams. I dreamt I was bleeding a lot down there and knew I desperately needed to get to a hospital. It was a relief to wake up.

Waist (though it doesn't look like I have any): 29 and a half inches.
Belly around the biggest part: 34 inches.

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