Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 20: Hong Kong Heaven again!

A lot happened this week:

Old friends
We met up with our old neighbours who have now moved to Singapore. They have a sweet baby boy. The wife, who is Indonesian, said that I should definitely go for a C-section as it was 'wonderful'.
Of course there are advantages to a C-section: avoiding a long painful labour, choosing a convenient time, not having your nether regions widened to a six-lane motorway and torn, cut, stitched.... but this is major surgery!

Hong Kong
It was marvellous to be back. Morning sickness had passed. The best thing was seeing old friends and cadging loads of freebie meals from them as a celebration of my bumptious state. It seemed I gained 2 kilos in the few days we were there.
Plus we were holed up in the Conrad. And I could shop at H&M's maternity section for cheapie trousers.
One of the best things was that I managed to catch the last day of my granddad's film exhibition. He was a famous director in Hong Kong, but to my shame, I haven't seen many of his flicks. Going to this cozy exhibition was fantastic - loads of people were there and the screenings had all sold out. Made me realise just how influential he'd been on HK/Taiwanese/Chinese cinema.

Gina Fording it
I saw another old friend in HK who'd just given birth. The mother is highly organised and was determined to do the Gina Ford method of getting the baby to sleep through the night. We're talking excel spreadsheets here!
The baby was very sweet. Only 3 weeks old but HUGE! The mother had had a C-section and been knocked out for it so one minute she had this big belly, the next, a baby had popped out.

The help
Hurray! The new maid started today. She is tiny, my age and burst in like an over-active mouse, eager to explore the apartment. She did a good job, so hopefully the start of a good working relationship. It's bliss not having to do the housework.
The maid asked if I was 6 months pregnant. I'm only four!

The baby
moves more when I eat sweet things. I sneezed in the middle of the night and he wriggled like crazy!
I had a very scary moment in HK though. We were trying to catch the Airport Express and went down the wrong escalator. Stupidly, I followed Fatt as he scampered up the escalator, and inevitably, I tripped. I fell on my side with my hand breaking my fall. I was OK, but upset. Full of shame, guilt and disbelief. We couldn't believe how stupid we'd been! How could we have put the baby at such risk?
I kept prodding my belly to see if he was okay. Didn't seem to be any response. Then, about an hour later, he started squirming away again. Thank God.
I love feeling him move inside of me. It's amazing. He tickles me with his twisting and turning, kicking and pummelling. Makes me laugh and feel happy.

1 comment:

Meerkatsu said...

Excel spread sheets...really?
(a) how did they find the time to even touch a computer?
(b) controlled crying at such a young age..I think is wrong!!