Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 21: Strictly drawstring

The big news this week is that my brother and his wife will also have a boy! Like us, they couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby. I'm pretty sure our due dates will be very close. Almost like twins! It'll be weird comparing the lives of two half-Chinese boys living on different parts of the globe. I hope they'll become firm and fast friends.

I've been feeling pretty good. The 2nd trimester is definitely the best time of pregnancy. Although... I obviously just look rather podgy. Nobody gives up their seat for me on the skytrain. My thighs are getting big. It's hard to fit into my pants. As for trousers - forget it. Strictly drawstring or elastic now!

I'm investigating having both my mum and my dad come over for the birth. My mum will obviously be a mega-help and comfort to me. My dad had a stroke last year and needs quite some looking after himself. But if he can make this trip, while he'll need help getting over here etc., I think it'll be a big boost to his self-confidence and to his state-of-mind.

And I'm keen that the little one knows his family right from the start. When I see my niece in London and all the love and attention and care she gets from both sides of the family, it makes me feel a little sad that our baby won't have that extended blessing unless we move back to the UK...

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