Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 10: Irregular

If poo makes you spew, then don't read!

Additional morning sickness symptom:

- constipation

I hate not being regular - something ingrained into me since childhood. Pregnancy can mean your bowel muscles don't work as strongly, leading to some, er, blockage.

So when I missed a day, I took some Senna which certainly did the trick. And then some. I was sat on the bog, completely drained as my bowels got to work. Almost semi-fainting and extremely uncomfortable, the whole Senna experience totally knackered me for the rest of the day.

I shall just have to accept the irregularities now. And drink more water.

I also went to see a few flats with an agent. We really need to get out of this shithole (continuing the poo theme) asap. I don't know how long I can stand it. Unfortunately, none of the flats I saw were a patch on the condo we used to live in a year ago, plus, they were decidedly more expensive.

Towards the end of the visits I was feeling decidedly ropey, and it was with much relief on the agent's part that he dropped me off without me vomiting in his nice car.

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