Friday, June 15, 2007

Week 9: funny turns

The morning sickness symptoms continue and are now accompanied by:

- fainting & dizzy spells
- piles (I think)

Not pleasant.

Fatt restarted work at his old company after almost a year away. We're hoping his bad neck holds out, or we may have to reconsider staying in Bangkok.

The day he started work, I went to lunch at Au Bon Pain at a nearby building. As I bit into my tuna sandwich, I suddenly felt very hot, very sweaty, then all of a sudden very cold and dizzy and faint - just like when you know you have impending diarrhoea and need the toilet now.

Except it wasn't that, but almost a panic attack with my heart racing and trying to keep calm and hoping that I wasn't making a fool of myself, but please, could somebody help me?

One of the waitresses asked if I was OK. No! I told her I was pregnant and not feeling good. She provided me with some kind of menthol inhaler, and this amazingly helped to calm me down.

I still had to stay there about one and a half hours before I felt ready to leave. Immediately bought one of those inhaler things to sniff as I walked the densely polluted road back to the service apartment.

I'm not sure what brought on the panic attack. If it's the baby saying, "You're bloody well not eating this!", or just a psychological trigger of being by myself, with husband nowhere nearby. I don't know, but it was scary and makes me quite hesitant about going out alone.

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