Friday, June 22, 2007

Week 11: BAMBI

There's a pregnant women's / mothers group for foreigners here called BAMBI. It's an acronym to do with breastfeeding and mothers in Bangkok or something.

Anyhow, they hold a 'bumps and babies' meeting every fortnight, usually with a guest speaker. I'm a bit wary of these kinds of groups... I'm not sure if I want to hang around horsey expat women who complain about their maids all the time.

But thankfully, it wasn't like that at all. On stumbling into the meeting room, a speaker was valiantly trying to get the audience's attention while babies wailed, kids screamed, toys played their ditties and mothers breast-fed. It was refreshingly chaotic, and people were very friendly and ready to recount their experiences and give advice. The support network's been a bit lacking without my friends & family around me here, so it was great to meet other women in the same situation.

The guest speaker was cack though. Talked for ages about how to identify stress but didn't tell you how to deal with it. Instead he left his business cards in case people would like to pay for one-to-one sessions.

Besides BAMBI, the other highlight of the week was re-visiting our old condo. They have a vacant apartment and we think we're going to take it. I felt better immediately breathing in the fresher (relatively speaking) air. Otherwise, the morning sickness has been just about the same.

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